APMM Membership
Membership categories are broken down by position held by the applicant.
Membership Categories
Full Member
To be eligible for full member status, a person must: (1) be the chief appointed administrative officer of a duly constituted municipality or an assistant thereto (a duly constituted municipality includes any borough, city, county, home rule community, town, township or council of governments); (2) agree in writing to adhere to the level of professional conduct as set forth in the International City/County Management Association's (ICMA) Code of Ethics and in the guidelines thereto; and (3) to pay the appropriate annual dues in a timely manner. Full members may be currently employed or in transition.
Associate Member
To be eligible for associate member status, a person must: (1) have previously been a full member who no longer qualifies for that level of membership by virtue of not being the chief appointed administrative officer of a municipality; (2) continue to pay the appropriate annual dues in a timely manner without lapses; and (3) continue to subscribe to the principles enunciated in ICMA's Code of Ethics. Associate members may be persons who have left the management profession for another line of work (active) or persons who have retired from the profession. Associate retired status is also available.
Affiliate Member
To be eligible for affiliate member status, a person must not qualify for any other membership category, shall pay the appropriate annual dues in a timely manner, and shall meet one or more of the following requirements: (1) be employed by a municipal government in a position other than that of chief appointed administrative officer or assistant thereto; (2) be employed by a state or the federal government, an educational institution or an association related to the municipal management field; or (3) be a college student pursuing a course of study leading to a career in a municipal management position or a recent graduate pursuing a municipal management position.
Sponsoring Member
A sponsoring member shall be any individual, business, firm, or organization that provides products or services to local governments.
Honorary Member
To be eligible for honorary member status, one must be chosen by the APMM members on the basis of distinguished service to the municipal management profession.