Professional Development Program (PDP)
In an effort to meet the professional development needs of municipal managers and local government officials, APMM has developed the Professional Development Program (PDP). The program is made possible by the administrative and financial commitments of the Pennsylvania Municipal League and the Governor's Center for Local Government Services, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community & Economic Development.
The Professional Development Program is open to APMM members only for a one-time $30 fee. Credit forms are distributed at every event and credits are tracked from completed forms that are turned in. For every 20 credits a member receives a certificate, presented at the Annual Conference in May.
The PDP offers a coherent series of professional development experiences designed for the professional in municipal management on cutting-edge topics and local government issues. The program structure reflects the results of a survey conducted through Penn State University along with reviews from past programs and numerous suggestions made by APMM members. Hence, it is a program developed by, as well as for, professional municipal managers.
The program is designed to be flexible enough to fit a busy manager's schedule while meeting a wide variety of existing professional development needs. Continual feedback is sought in order to refine the PDP to further meet your individual needs as well as the needs of member needs across the state.
Today’s fast-paced environment demands constant education on the issues involving your community, region, state, and country. APMM’s Professional Development Committee is committed to providing valuable training opportunities to meet your professional needs.
Contact Amanda Lane at to enroll in the PDP program.
Areas of Proficiency
Nine (9) areas of proficiency, divided into basic and specialized components, have been identified by the PDC as the areas in local government that have significant importance to PDP participants. The mix of subjects taken in the specialized areas will be self-tailored to meet the individual interests or needs of the participants.
Basic Subject Areas
Dimensions of Local Government Managerial Effectiveness
Financial-Planning and Budgeting
Local Government Decision-making
Management of Human Resources in Local Government
Municipal Service Delivery
Personal Development/Effectiveness
Special Subject Areas
Communications and Information Management in Local Government
Emerging Issues in Municipal Management
Accumulation of Units
Units will be assigned to each professional development training program sponsored or co-sponsored by APMM. Units will be accumulated at the rate of one (1) unit per two (2) hours of participation; thus 3 hours of training equals 1.5 units towards program completion.
Recognition of Training Units Accrued